East Pickens Men’s Ministry
Salt and Light
Our prayer is that the Lord will draw men together as brothers in Christ, supporting one another and encouraging one another to be the man, husband, and father that God wants us to be. Iron sharpens iron. We want to reach men from the ages of 16 and up. There are a couple of men's Bible studies in place, and we hope to add more.
Our main goal is to make disciples that make disciples. Men are encouraged to mentor and/or be mentored. So many men have fallen into sin these last few years. Families are being torn apart. It's way past time to get off the bench and get into the game.
Jesus told us to make disciples.. Let's do it!
Upcoming Events
Men’s Groups
Monday 6:30 pm - Gary Frazor Home Group
Tuesday 8:00 am - Tim Granger Home Group
Wednesday 6:30 pm - Men’s Group, Room 117